Special News from Set Apart Guest

We admittedly were not able to get an episode recorded for you this week - we do apologize. The First Trimester rollercoaster is in full effect! We did, however, wanted to share this special note from one of our past guests, our sister, Sister Isabelle! She is currently in the Franciscan Sisters, TOR mission house in Austria and she just returned from a special trip with their Franciscan University study-abroad students. And guess what? She had the honor of conducting the students in a private audience for Pope Francis! Her quick email to us is below with the beautiful pictures her students took of her :)

Letter from Sister Isabelle

Hi loved ones!!

I am back from the big Rome and Assisi trip! I wanted to some send pictures at St. Peter's and on Mt. Subasio in Assisi! We had the blessing of being able to meet the Pope after the general audience in Rome. According to one of our professors (who has close contacts in the Vatican) she was able to sit close to Pope Francis and put in a good word for Franciscan University to have a private audience with him after the public audience...apparently he responded that he was wanting to ask for a photo with us anyways! So as we waited, we sang hymns! I was voluntold to conduct and it was so wonderful!!! 

The students also insisted that we have a "photo shoot" at the top of Mt. Subasio, which is the highest point near Assisi, where St. Francis would often go for extended time of prayer, it was VERY windy! St. Francis called the wind, "Brother Wind"! It was fun. Beautiful sunset as the trees were turning fall colors on the mountains. 

I know these are all pictures of ME but these were the ones that students send me and I thought I would share! There are definitely more…

I hope these pictures give you some joy!!!! I love and miss you all very much! The adventure continues.

I love you!!!!!! 

Peace in Christ always


Ep.19 | How the temptation to eat that donut resembles our spiritual struggles


Ep.18 | Losing the gifts of the present by worrying about the future