TLT Bookshelf

Whether you’re an avid reader or have a long list of ‘One day I’ll get to reading these!’ books, we’ve been inspired to offer a collection of continuing education material for the vocation of marriage! We knew that if we opened up the bookshelf to Catholic must-reads/must-haves, we would end up with an overwhelming number of books! So we are focusing on spiritual reads for spouses to help us grow to know and love this gift the Father gave us for our sainthood!

Along with this, we are building a platform for a very relaxed TLT Book Club! We know how busy life can get and don’t want to give you yet another obligation, so no reading assignments! Our Holy Spirit inspiration: feature one book at a time and allow readers to record voice messages on the TLT Book Club channel on Discord to share and listen to reflections on the book on your own time. It’s an imitation of the IDDM communication model used at CatholicPsych that Sandra has come to love!