Set Apart

Join Catholic-couple Sandra, Paul, and their guests in this video podcast series for their candid discussions on the beauty, challenges, and ways of boldly living the Catholic faith as young adults, from pre-marriage to family life.

Ep.11 | Would you do your job for free? Loving what you do using the gifts you have
Sandra and Paul Rosales Sandra and Paul Rosales

Ep.11 | Would you do your job for free? Loving what you do using the gifts you have

In this episode, we (more so Paul!) are here to talk to you about the career change we recently went through, one that’s already lead us to much joy! It was a deep trust exercise indeed, but the fruits are ones we hope you get to experience too, especially if you’re experiencing difficulties in your workplace.

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Ep.10 | No contraceptives here! Our journey with Natural Family Planning (NFP)
Sandra and Paul Rosales Sandra and Paul Rosales

Ep.10 | No contraceptives here! Our journey with Natural Family Planning (NFP)

Though we posted our wedding a little while ago, we realized we never actually spoke about it yet! We wanted to share with you some of what we experienced our blessed wedding day! Join us next week to discuss how we are handing being ‘ONE’, most likely in unconventional ways, but ways that have led to our spiritual freedom and paved the way for such a joyful, life-giving love.

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Ep.9 | Waiting until marriage to move in...and we have no regrets!
Sandra and Paul Rosales Sandra and Paul Rosales

Ep.9 | Waiting until marriage to move in...and we have no regrets!

Though we posted our wedding a little while ago, we realized we never actually spoke about it yet! We wanted to share with you some of what we experienced our blessed wedding day! Join us next week to discuss how we are handing being ‘ONE’, most likely in unconventional ways, but ways that have led to our spiritual freedom and paved the way for such a joyful, life-giving love.

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Ep.8 | What it was like getting married in the Catholic Church
Sandra and Paul Rosales Sandra and Paul Rosales

Ep.8 | What it was like getting married in the Catholic Church

Though we posted our wedding a little while ago, we realized we never actually spoke about it yet! We wanted to share with you some of what we experienced our blessed wedding day! Join us next week to discuss how we are handing being ‘ONE’, most likely in unconventional ways, but ways that have led to our spiritual freedom and paved the way for such a joyful, life-giving love.

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Ep.7 | She said yes too! Living set apart as a young religious sister (Part 2)
Sandra and Paul Rosales Sandra and Paul Rosales

Ep.7 | She said yes too! Living set apart as a young religious sister (Part 2)

Shortly after we said our I DO's, Sister Isabelle did also! We flew up to Ohio to celebrate her first profession of vows on June 21st. After we finished crying out all the tears we had and celebrated with the sisters, we sat down and talked about her order, how she is called to live her vows, the spiritual warfare she faced the MOMENT she put on her new habit, and the importance of silence in our lives. Definitely a good watch for those discerning religious life too :) With much love, we thank the Franciscan Sisters and all religious for their dedication and commitment - their prayers, service, and sacrifices help us more than we can probably imagine. 

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Ep.6 | She said yes too! Living set apart as a young religious sister (Part 1)
Sandra and Paul Rosales Sandra and Paul Rosales

Ep.6 | She said yes too! Living set apart as a young religious sister (Part 1)

Shortly after we said our I DO's, Sister Isabelle did also! We flew up to Ohio to celebrate her first profession of vows on June 21st. After we finished crying out all the tears we had and celebrated with the sisters, we sat down and talked about her order, how she is called to live her vows, the spiritual warfare she faced the MOMENT she put on her new habit, and the importance of silence in our lives. Definitely a good watch for those discerning religious life too :) With much love, we thank the Franciscan Sisters and all religious for their dedication and commitment - their prayers, service, and sacrifices help us more than we can probably imagine. 

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Ep.5 | Our Sacramental Union
Sandra and Paul Rosales Sandra and Paul Rosales

Ep.5 | Our Sacramental Union

By God’s beautiful graces, we became one April 22, 2022! There will be much for us to share in this newness of life together. For now, we would like to share our celebration of this sacrament. We were blessed to have it live-streamed (much much love to those who joined us virtually - we felt your presence!). You can click the link below to re-celebrate with us! We kindly ask for your patience as we get our bearings as newlyweds and we shall get our Set Apart episodes going again! Praying for you all always!

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Ep.4 | New Year, New Worries? Start 2022 with deeper trust
Set Apart Sandra and Paul Rosales Set Apart Sandra and Paul Rosales

Ep.4 | New Year, New Worries? Start 2022 with deeper trust

Happy New Year! As we enter into 2022, we can throw ourselves into a well of worry thinking of the unknown of this year. We’d like to share with you how we fight that familiar human fear to help pave the way for a more peaceful, joyful, and hopeful year, even midst the struggles and trials. It all boils down to trust, trusting that God’s plan for us, even when it makes us uncomfortable and makes no sense, is to help us be the best version of ourselves we were created to be!

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Ep.3 | Living separately before marriage
Set Apart Sandra and Paul Rosales Set Apart Sandra and Paul Rosales

Ep.3 | Living separately before marriage

We're engaged...and we've made the intentional decision not to live together until marriage! Join us as we share how we've actually grown closer, discovered the beautiful fruits of pursuing chastity, and experienced how purity unites and lust divides. We've come to learn how God knows us far better than we know ourselves, especially when it comes to love, and how He helps His beloved children experience true and pure love, as it was intended. Even if you are in a cohabiting situation now, it's never too late to begin again!

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Ep.2 | Recognizing, avoiding, and overcoming spiritual discomfort
Set Apart Sandra and Paul Rosales Set Apart Sandra and Paul Rosales

Ep.2 | Recognizing, avoiding, and overcoming spiritual discomfort

Once we make that decision to seek a relationship with God, our hearts become a little bit more sensitive to the things that aren't good for our souls and our well-being as a whole. Paul and Sandra discuss what that sensitivity feels like, how to listen to it, and ways we can nurture it to help keep us happy, healthy, holy, and humble. 

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Ep.1 | How the power of prayer brought us together
Set Apart Sandra and Paul Rosales Set Apart Sandra and Paul Rosales

Ep.1 | How the power of prayer brought us together

Get to know Sandra and Paul and how God divinely authored their paths to come together. While Paul was discerning to be a priest, Sandra was discerning consecrated life! Join them as their share how prayer revealed God's will for their lives together. 

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