Marriage and Family Resources

There are so many Catholic resources out there for pre-marriage, marriage, and families (your family begins the moment you get married)! This is definitely going to be a constant work in progress. As the list grows, we pray that you won’t be intimidated by it all, as we once were by how much is out there. See it as a blessing! Our faith has such a rich depository to choose from that can speak to each of our unique circumstances, needs, and seasons. So don’t feel like you have to be involved in everything here to have a fruitful journey! We are firm believers that when you’re heart is open to the journey, God will lead you to what will help you each step of the way. For us personally, we find ourselves diving into different prayers and resources depending on our season.

If you have any resources, prayers, devotions, etc. that you’d like to share, we’d love to post it here!

Dr. Lauren Rubal - Integrative Fertility Physician

Dr. Lauren Rubal - Integrative Fertility Physician

We came to know of this amazing Christian physician through a recent podcast (below) with Lila Rose about the truth about IVF and fertility as a whole. Once a conventional fertility doctor, Dr. Rubal now advocates and provides services for integrative fertility to administer to issues such as infertility after experiencing and realizing the gravity of the physical, emotional and spiritual impacts and consequences of conventional fertility ‘troubleshooting’ methods.

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Pearl & Thistle

Pearl & Thistle

Here is another powerhouse of a Catholic mother who has spent over a decade advocating for body literacy - Christina Valenzuela! Scroll down her home page and you’ll get the idea that her conversation around women’s cycles isn’t just for fertility. Her courses and resources are meant to open up the conversation about God’s design for our body for teens, single women, women in consecrated life, the Church (i.e. ministries, priests, RCIA), and women bearing crosses of infertility, loss of a spouse, or approaching menopause. Christina emphasizes that body literacy is for everyone as they are ‘aid to holiness.’ I know for our family, we’ll definitely be opening up the conversation of female anatomy, fertility, and reproduction with our girl with Christina’s course - Cycle Prep. No more letting the world teach our children about our sacred sexuality!

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Elizabeth Clare Blog

Elizabeth Clare Blog

We stumbled upon this ‘die hard Protestant’ (her words!) turned Catholic blog by a lovely woman named Elizabeth Clare who clearly loves her faith! She has created a TREASURE TROVE of resources for Catholic families that we highly recommend. There you can find anything from information of all the different Catholic Homeschool schools and programs out there, to creative gifts for dad and the kiddos, to very honest and transparent thoughts on topics like mass expectations when going to church with your little ones, to ideas on how to live out the Catholic liturgical year in the home, to at-home Catholic library suggestions…and so much more! We’ll be pinning her blog as a featured post just because all the amazing resources she’s put together - for free!

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Femme Fertility (a Natural Family Planning service)

Femme Fertility (a Natural Family Planning service)

This is a natural family planning (NFP) service that we are using ourselves! NFP, stated in Femme Fertility’s FAQs is “approved by the Catholic Church Church for use by Catholic married couples to avoid or achieve pregnancy.” It is a beautiful way of collaboratively planning your family naturally by understanding how it is that God created us. There are a number of methods - Femme Fertility uses the Marquette Method. Our lovely friend Christina with Pearl and Thistle gives a great explanation of NFP and the various methods if you’re seeking to start this journey with your future or current spouse. For candid conversations about the purpose and their experience with NFP, check out our Jackie & Bobby post too!

Use our coupon code SETAPART to receive 10% off any course on the Femme Fertility site!

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Rachel’s Vineyard
Family Life, Healing from wounds, Mental Health, Motherhood Sandra and Paul Rosales Family Life, Healing from wounds, Mental Health, Motherhood Sandra and Paul Rosales

Rachel’s Vineyard

Beautifully stated by the ministry itself, this healing ministry is “a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion.” I’d encourage you to watch the testimony and story of a good friend of TLT below to hear some of the hard truths and shocking things about abortion that are not broadcasted in the media, but are important to know in understanding the importance of a ministry like Rachel’s Vineyard and our collective prayers and action as the Domestic Church in the fight for life.

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Emily Wilson Ministries

Emily Wilson Ministries

An amazing Catholic female speaker that cuts through superficiality and goes deep to, especially for women journeying through college life, engagement, marriage, and motherhood. The link about takes you to her video series, but be sure check out her ministry site for her other content.

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Pints with Aquinas

Pints with Aquinas

Matt Fradd really does an amazing job bringing on speakers from different faiths, perspectives, and those with deep knowledge of the Catholic Faith. It’s a trusted channel for getting amazing, in-depth answers to questions that we even have about the faith.

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