Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

From the 3 of us (yay baby bump!), we’d like to wish you a blessed and Merry Christmas season and a Happy New Year!

You know, for the Catholic Church, our Christmas song singing and celebrations continue on until the Epiphany (aka 3 Kings Day). So if you are behind on your Christmas messages, you still have until January 6th! Hehe.

It’s been a few weeks now since we’ve been able to get in front of the camera. We feel absolutely terrible, but are praying and discerning what will work best for us moving forward. There is so much being stirred within us to bring together and celebrate family life, even in the midst of craziness all around. As we continue to pray for you, please pray for us as well! We feel that whatever is at the other side of this time is important work, because we’ve been fighting some serious battles these past few weeks. Nothing that has broken us down, but in fact made us stronger, and realize we are on the right track!

We look forward to seeing what the new year brings, that’s for sure!

In the meanwhile, we can feel that many others are fighting and suffering as well. Don’t forget - try not to struggle to not struggle, but take some quite time to step aside, and listen to what God may be trying to speak quietly to your heart to help you make it through. Most of the time, it takes us away from what we are comfortable with and what’s familiar, but we promise, God only leads you to things that are meant to be the best for you. Trust Him. Let yourself be vulnerable to Him. Lay it all out and let His love guide you to where you’re meant to be!

This holiday season too, be brave, and reach out to family members and close friends you may not have spoken to in years. Don’t be afraid. We need each other. We need to rebuild the family now more than ever. And when we speak with them, let’s try to move away from the “Everything’s good!” narrative and instead be vulnerable and open up to really what’s going on. We all suffer one way or another, but it’s love that will give us the strength to pull through.

May love flood our hearts this Christmas Season and New Year to be brave. May love reach the depths of our hearts to heal and learn to forgive. May love be the language we speak to one another. May love lead us to new adventures of life we could never imagine.

Sending peace, love, and blessings to you all!


Ep.21 | How we can make 2023 a beautiful year of deep healing


A poetic reflection of God’s love